You stopped eating fish and meat? why? what do you eat then? are you aware of how much proteins meat consists of?
-because Iam against how animals are treated in norway, and Iam really concerned about the overproduction of meat in norway, which makes the farming more of an industry then anything else. Because we take up too much fish and increases the chance that there wont be any for our granddaughters. because we pollute when we produce steaks, and because we treat the chikens like they had no feelings at all. you would never eat your dog or kitten, why is it ok to eat the pig?
-well, lets see. I eat what other people eat. I eat pasta,pizza, risotto,porridge,baked potatoes,salad, soup, lasagne, gratengs...
yes, Iam aware of that. Iam also aware of the fact that there is alot of other products which gives me the same, without the bad treatment and slaughter of animals beeing neccesary.
any more questions?
Lyst til grønt:
- min kusines blog. Hun holder sig fra så mange animalske produkter, som hun kan.
Og check også - jeg har fået et godt indtryk af ham og hans arbejde.
Har du overvejet at skrive blogindlæg ind imellem om f. eks. vegetarisk mad? Jeg siger ikke, det skal være konstant og hele tiden, men det er da fedt at læse om!
det ville være en god ide:) jeg må heller se at komme igang med at skrive igjen her, har blevet så travel med at skrive på bloggen til studiet mtit