Hvis jeg kunne velge, skulle vi bare spise pinnekjøtt, kjøttkaker og komler. vi skulle kun bruke norske råvarer, og disse norske råvarene vil jeg kjøpe i en butikk hvor kassadama heter Frida eller Jens. Om søndagen vil jeg gå med familien på Kaffistova eller Egon, og spise kjøtt og poteter, kjøtt og poteter. jeg vil sende min gamle mor på sykehjem, som er undebemannet og kommer til å være det for lang tid fremover. Men idetminste er jeg trygg på at pleieren heter Kari eller Monika, og er vokst opp på Brakahaug. Jeg vil sykle med barna mine til skolen, og vite at alle klassekameratene har leverpostei og brunost på grovbrød med seg i matpakka, og jeg vil gå på foreldremøte hvor vi ikke trenger tolk til noen av foreldrene. eller hvor disse foreldrene ikke dukker opp. Jeg sykler til jobben, som mangler vaktmester og rengjøringspersonale for tiden, alt flyter over. Mannen min jobber for ett oljeselskap, han ringer og er stresset fordi jobben hans mangler kompetente folk. I pausen sykler jeg gjennom gågaten, som selvfølgelig består utelukkende av norske kjeder. jeg leser med stor skepsis melding fra en venninne som er i københavn, tenk der har de noe som heter kebab, og hun har sett TRE damer innhyllet i sjal. Hun har spist indisk mat, som var veldig god, men ærlig talt tenker jeg, indisk mat spiser vi da ikke i skandinavia? sykkelen min punkterer og jeg ringer en drosje. du er 150ende person i kø, vennligst vent.
det kom aldri noen drosje.
søndag 29. august 2010
lørdag 28. august 2010
the death of voluntery work?
The Norwegian political party FRP wants to reward those students who finnish their studies in expected or lesser time then expected time. We are all laughing about them, but the scary fact is that 44000 norwegians like Siv Jensen on facebook. And that they had a good votingresult last election. If they get what they wants, you will be punished for doing voluntery work which might effect the progress of your studies. This effects student politics, sports, christian work among students, Amnesty, red cross, Norsk folkehjelp etc. etc. cause they all have studentrun organizations as an important part of their work. We shouldent do folk-high school, we shouldent do EVS or other voluntery programs abroad. We should all just start studying right after high school, finnish after 3, 5 or 6 years, depending on the course, and then go out to work for the society. I will be an expert on religions, but I wont have a clue what to do when start working for an organization, cause I wont have had the chance to try it out. I will have no network, cause nobody bothered to make parties and gatherings for the students at my faculty, and nobody would bother making arrangements for us to meet with people from the Goverment and NGOs, which would be interested to give us a job.
FRP wants us to be egoistic and moneyoriented, and it scares me that they have so many voters and potensial voters in norway.
FRP wants us to be egoistic and moneyoriented, and it scares me that they have so many voters and potensial voters in norway.
back in action

Making lunchpackage in the morning. walking the half an hour it takes to the university. reading, taking notes, reflecting. coffeebreaks and lunchbreak. Nice long conversations. memorizing coptic letters and stdying the ancient roots.
I love beeing back at the university. But weekends are nice as well.
lørdag 21. august 2010
Weekends are the award for hard work
This week I started the weekend allready friday morning, taking the "Fløybane" up to the mountain "Fløyen", with Ingrid and Marjolein from my master course. We had a look at the view and went for a walk, found a nice place by a water to eat our lunch. Walking down from the mountain and stopping for a coffee at "Det lille kaffekompaniet". Today I had visit of Liv Anna, who is my mothers friend from Bibelschool long, long time ago. She was the one to help me find this fantastic appartment, and she is a really nice person to talk with, you dont think about the age differens at all.
Now I find myself studying a reciepe for "Pita-breads", thinking about making it tommorow. I will then have to eat them for the rest of the week, because I dont yet have a frezer, and the reciepe gives eight of them. But I can bring them with me to school and make some different filling every day, having it as a dinner. Especially for thursday thats good (hope they are still eatable by then) cause I have lectures from 16 to 18 and plans to study some hours before that, and joing a choir practice in the evening.
Just reserved a book about how organizations work, from the library, and plans to take a course about it next semester. Iam also thinking about something with economy. Its good to have some subjects which are of the more practical sort, seeing as religion is clearly not. But I love studying it. And Iam really happy about now studying with two others who holds a bachelors degree in religion, cause at my school in stavanger (which is a very good school indeed), most people following the courses I did, where either grown-ups who dident spend any other time at school besides the lectures, or student my age who did course about religion for same reason I did intercultural communication and antrpology: they needed it to be able to call it a bachelor in religion and intercultural communication.
You never really got to the depths of things, because there was allwys explanations from the teacher for thoes who dident held a basic knowledge about religion.
Now I can discuss topics with people more on the same level as me, which is great.
Tommorow, before making the pita-breads, I will go shopping, buy chocolate and have a very lazy, long morning, after which I will work for some hours with an application for an EVSproject, which has to be handed in for 1.of september deadline. There is allways something to work with, but I like it. I have been searching student activities in Bergen and found that I would like to join the studentchurch, a choir, a writinggroup at the student-theater and some kind of sports activity. Working with NEVO ( But soon leaving the board), part-time jobbing and helping out in the methodist church as well as reading for my lay preacher course, I guess this will be a busy but really good autumn. Rome and Copenhagen with my master, Oslo doing projectpreparations with Sarah,going to the movies to see Harry Potter with Marie, and cooking italian with Arve. and maybe going to Lithaunia for a training course in December. And lots of hours at the university, studying, drinking coffee and do mountain hiking with Marjolein and Ingrid.
Right now I want to read "The host" by Stephanie Meyer and eat popcorn. Have a lovely weekend and coming week!:)
Now I find myself studying a reciepe for "Pita-breads", thinking about making it tommorow. I will then have to eat them for the rest of the week, because I dont yet have a frezer, and the reciepe gives eight of them. But I can bring them with me to school and make some different filling every day, having it as a dinner. Especially for thursday thats good (hope they are still eatable by then) cause I have lectures from 16 to 18 and plans to study some hours before that, and joing a choir practice in the evening.
Just reserved a book about how organizations work, from the library, and plans to take a course about it next semester. Iam also thinking about something with economy. Its good to have some subjects which are of the more practical sort, seeing as religion is clearly not. But I love studying it. And Iam really happy about now studying with two others who holds a bachelors degree in religion, cause at my school in stavanger (which is a very good school indeed), most people following the courses I did, where either grown-ups who dident spend any other time at school besides the lectures, or student my age who did course about religion for same reason I did intercultural communication and antrpology: they needed it to be able to call it a bachelor in religion and intercultural communication.
You never really got to the depths of things, because there was allwys explanations from the teacher for thoes who dident held a basic knowledge about religion.
Now I can discuss topics with people more on the same level as me, which is great.
Tommorow, before making the pita-breads, I will go shopping, buy chocolate and have a very lazy, long morning, after which I will work for some hours with an application for an EVSproject, which has to be handed in for 1.of september deadline. There is allways something to work with, but I like it. I have been searching student activities in Bergen and found that I would like to join the studentchurch, a choir, a writinggroup at the student-theater and some kind of sports activity. Working with NEVO ( But soon leaving the board), part-time jobbing and helping out in the methodist church as well as reading for my lay preacher course, I guess this will be a busy but really good autumn. Rome and Copenhagen with my master, Oslo doing projectpreparations with Sarah,going to the movies to see Harry Potter with Marie, and cooking italian with Arve. and maybe going to Lithaunia for a training course in December. And lots of hours at the university, studying, drinking coffee and do mountain hiking with Marjolein and Ingrid.
Right now I want to read "The host" by Stephanie Meyer and eat popcorn. Have a lovely weekend and coming week!:)
torsdag 19. august 2010
for sad moments
Some really beatiful texts (in norwegian), for sad moments when you miss the people who is not there, the ones living fare away and the ones you will never see again. You wont see them smile and you wont see them cry. they had a special place in your heart, but that place is not empty, cause its now full of memories....
Når verdo bler dumme,så leita
eg fram nåken gode ting;
Ein støvete blom i ei veita,
ein måse som fyke i ring.
Ein måne e go’ nå’ han velta
på ryggen og slappe av,
og føllte drops mens di smelta,
ei velstelte, gammadle grav.
Og ungar e og’ når di grine,
ein hund nå’ du kjeme him,
ei kalde pils e vel fine?
Og så e eg så glad i rim.
Eg lika regnet som sipa
nå regnet e mildt og lett,
ei nyrensa, snille pipa,
og noken som helde meg tett.
Har du sitt kossen Drammen lyse
på vei fra Oslobesøk?
Eg lika pyttar som fryse,
og sursild med masse løk.
Nå’ jevedl slite og streva
seg inn i meg gong på gong
så vidt att’ eg våge leva,
då laga eg ein toskjen song.
D’e hjelp i ein blom og ein måse,
ein måne, ei grav og ein hund,
og følte drops i ein påse
di trøsta ei lito stund.
Når du møte Emily,
fønvind fra sørlige strender.
Stryk deg lett mot jentå mi,
lek litt med håret som lukte syrin
og rør legg ved kjolen og sving an fint
om Emily, Emily, Emily.
Røre du Emily,
bølga fra sørlige strender
når hu barbeint går forbi.
Kjærtegn forsiktig den vårunge hud
og vær som et kyss mot mi savna brud.
Mi Emily, Emily, Emily.
Fly te na Emily,
fuggel fra sørlige strender.
Syng en sang for jentå mi,
syng gjønå vinduet når hu står opp
og mot ein ny dag strekke ut sin kropp.
Mi Emily, Emily, Emily.
Det e svart november. Havet knuse mot strand
ein forliste drøm fra et sommargrønt land.
Men eg huske endå vakre Mary mcKear
longt vest i Tir n’a Noir
Va du drøm? Va du te? Va du hud? Va du blo?
Eg kan hørra deg le. Eg kan huska eg lo.
Bakom horisontar
Så forvitra og glir
E du mi,
mi Mary McKear.
Når min rustne kropp går i bakkane tungt
hørr’ eg nåken hviska bakom vintrane ungt:
Kom tebake, venn, ifra kneiper og svir.
Kom igjen te Tir n’a Noir.
Kom te hud. Kom te sinn ifra alt så e grått.
Eg ska stryka ditt kinn, gjørra blikket ditt blått.
For bak horisontar
så forvitra og glir
e eg di,
di Mary McKear.
Så når kvelden komme og eg stilt går ombord,
og min livbåt blir låra i seks fot med jord,
seil’ eg vest i havet te Mary McKear i
det grønne Tir n’a Noir.
Te drøm og te kinn og ein himmel av trøst
kor allting e sinn og eg hørre di røst:
Horisontar fins’kje.
Alt du tar på forblir,
eg e di ,
di Mary McKear.
Når verdo bler dumme,så leita
eg fram nåken gode ting;
Ein støvete blom i ei veita,
ein måse som fyke i ring.
Ein måne e go’ nå’ han velta
på ryggen og slappe av,
og føllte drops mens di smelta,
ei velstelte, gammadle grav.
Og ungar e og’ når di grine,
ein hund nå’ du kjeme him,
ei kalde pils e vel fine?
Og så e eg så glad i rim.
Eg lika regnet som sipa
nå regnet e mildt og lett,
ei nyrensa, snille pipa,
og noken som helde meg tett.
Har du sitt kossen Drammen lyse
på vei fra Oslobesøk?
Eg lika pyttar som fryse,
og sursild med masse løk.
Nå’ jevedl slite og streva
seg inn i meg gong på gong
så vidt att’ eg våge leva,
då laga eg ein toskjen song.
D’e hjelp i ein blom og ein måse,
ein måne, ei grav og ein hund,
og følte drops i ein påse
di trøsta ei lito stund.
Når du møte Emily,
fønvind fra sørlige strender.
Stryk deg lett mot jentå mi,
lek litt med håret som lukte syrin
og rør legg ved kjolen og sving an fint
om Emily, Emily, Emily.
Røre du Emily,
bølga fra sørlige strender
når hu barbeint går forbi.
Kjærtegn forsiktig den vårunge hud
og vær som et kyss mot mi savna brud.
Mi Emily, Emily, Emily.
Fly te na Emily,
fuggel fra sørlige strender.
Syng en sang for jentå mi,
syng gjønå vinduet når hu står opp
og mot ein ny dag strekke ut sin kropp.
Mi Emily, Emily, Emily.
Det e svart november. Havet knuse mot strand
ein forliste drøm fra et sommargrønt land.
Men eg huske endå vakre Mary mcKear
longt vest i Tir n’a Noir
Va du drøm? Va du te? Va du hud? Va du blo?
Eg kan hørra deg le. Eg kan huska eg lo.
Bakom horisontar
Så forvitra og glir
E du mi,
mi Mary McKear.
Når min rustne kropp går i bakkane tungt
hørr’ eg nåken hviska bakom vintrane ungt:
Kom tebake, venn, ifra kneiper og svir.
Kom igjen te Tir n’a Noir.
Kom te hud. Kom te sinn ifra alt så e grått.
Eg ska stryka ditt kinn, gjørra blikket ditt blått.
For bak horisontar
så forvitra og glir
e eg di,
di Mary McKear.
Så når kvelden komme og eg stilt går ombord,
og min livbåt blir låra i seks fot med jord,
seil’ eg vest i havet te Mary McKear i
det grønne Tir n’a Noir.
Te drøm og te kinn og ein himmel av trøst
kor allting e sinn og eg hørre di røst:
Horisontar fins’kje.
Alt du tar på forblir,
eg e di ,
di Mary McKear.
onsdag 18. august 2010
Things to do when you wake up in the middle of the night and cant manage to fall asleep again
-drink water
-eat a banana
- sort out the cloths I will wash tommorow
-write emails to EVS-organizations who will obviously think I have a really strange officetime.
-read about Aathish Taseer in Iran
- talk with my toy rabbit (so now I obviously gone mental)
- log on to facebook. where it strangely enough happend nothing
-try to sleep again
-eat a banana
- sort out the cloths I will wash tommorow
-write emails to EVS-organizations who will obviously think I have a really strange officetime.
-read about Aathish Taseer in Iran
- talk with my toy rabbit (so now I obviously gone mental)
- log on to facebook. where it strangely enough happend nothing
-try to sleep again
lørdag 14. august 2010
Its me, its my kind of place. Its home.
I love travelling. I love getting up early in the morning,if it means taking the bus or train out to an airport, flying to a new an exciting destination, or a an old and safe one. walking down a street,listening to the sound of peoples voices, sitting by the lake/sea or at a cafe for hours. Meeting friends I seldom see, talking for hours.
I love exploring new places, alone or with friends. I love living new places. But there is one place in he world nothing else can be compared with, and thats the southwestern areaa of Norway: Vestlandet. Its windy and rainy and sometimes terribly cold, but its home. Its where my heart belongs. I want to travel a lot, to explore. I want to live in Berlin, Cairo and Helsinki, I want to see Budapest, Sydney and Moscow. I want to learn German and Finnish and perhapse Russian, I want to learn modern Arabic and perhaps Urdu.
But if I cant call this my home, then I have nothing.
I love exploring new places, alone or with friends. I love living new places. But there is one place in he world nothing else can be compared with, and thats the southwestern areaa of Norway: Vestlandet. Its windy and rainy and sometimes terribly cold, but its home. Its where my heart belongs. I want to travel a lot, to explore. I want to live in Berlin, Cairo and Helsinki, I want to see Budapest, Sydney and Moscow. I want to learn German and Finnish and perhapse Russian, I want to learn modern Arabic and perhaps Urdu.
But if I cant call this my home, then I have nothing.
fredag 13. august 2010
Its your life, its your choice
"You should have done it like this, thats much easier..." "And then she said.. and I thought..."
I so often hear people telling people what to do, or complaining about their boss, or their colleges, or their teacher, or their mother, or their daughter, or their church leader...
well, why dont you use this for something positive? Instead of complaining, do something about it! Iam so fucking tired, sorry about tge expression, to hear how unfair life is for people around me, just because not everybody understands their problems or cares to listen. Maybe people dont care to listen becuase they are tired of listening?
Its your choice. I constantly get remained to look at the bright side of life, to value the small things and to see the oppurtunities and possibilities, not the problems. it can be a challange, but its absolutly possible.
I have friends who has suffered sickness themselves or within their famely, and who still manage to be postive and cares deeply about other people.
Meet the day with open eyes. Its your choice how you want to spend your days.
.....Dont worry, be happy.........
I so often hear people telling people what to do, or complaining about their boss, or their colleges, or their teacher, or their mother, or their daughter, or their church leader...
well, why dont you use this for something positive? Instead of complaining, do something about it! Iam so fucking tired, sorry about tge expression, to hear how unfair life is for people around me, just because not everybody understands their problems or cares to listen. Maybe people dont care to listen becuase they are tired of listening?
Its your choice. I constantly get remained to look at the bright side of life, to value the small things and to see the oppurtunities and possibilities, not the problems. it can be a challange, but its absolutly possible.
I have friends who has suffered sickness themselves or within their famely, and who still manage to be postive and cares deeply about other people.
Meet the day with open eyes. Its your choice how you want to spend your days.
.....Dont worry, be happy.........
News about me
Iam trying to start blogging in english now, as that will be my workinglanguage for the next two years. My masterstudies are called "The religious roots of Europe", and is an international masters program and a cooperation between six nordic universities. The idea behind is to give the students the possibilty to study judaism, christianity and islam in a comparative perspective. I will continue with arabic and also learn coptic, which is an old egyptian language, used among christian people mostly. Thuesday Iam going to meet with my fellow students in Bergen, Ingrid and Marjolen, something which Iam looking very much forward to.
What else is new? well, I moved to Bergen,have my own little place.
I stopped eating meat, and I try using for example soyamilk instead of "normal" milk, and Iam trying to avoid products with containing chemicals iam not familar with (E-stoffer). Iam getting more aware of what I put into my body, which is never too late. I still eat a bit of fish, so I probably dont count as a real vegetarian.
I started really liking to learn new languages, something Iam have been a bit afraid of before. I managed arabic in the spring term, and now as allready told, Iam starting with coptic. After christmas I plan to start with German, on evening courses or something similar, hoping to go to germany for the summer of 2011 for some weeks, to learn more and get the language more practised. and meet with german friends of course:)
What else is new? well, I moved to Bergen,have my own little place.
I stopped eating meat, and I try using for example soyamilk instead of "normal" milk, and Iam trying to avoid products with containing chemicals iam not familar with (E-stoffer). Iam getting more aware of what I put into my body, which is never too late. I still eat a bit of fish, so I probably dont count as a real vegetarian.
I started really liking to learn new languages, something Iam have been a bit afraid of before. I managed arabic in the spring term, and now as allready told, Iam starting with coptic. After christmas I plan to start with German, on evening courses or something similar, hoping to go to germany for the summer of 2011 for some weeks, to learn more and get the language more practised. and meet with german friends of course:)
onsdag 11. august 2010
wisely said
If you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it.
"It's impossible." said pride."It's risky." said experience."It's pointless." said reason."Give it a try." whispered the heart.
Det finnes to typer mennesker; de som engasjerer seg og de som beklager seg.
og til siste, goood old Sigvart Dagsland:)
Der e nok av de som seie om igjen
men alt for få som seie: Kom igjen!
Der e nok av de som veie for og mod
heilt te de drukne i sitt eget rod
Men her komme me
de umulige
hånd i hånd med
de utrolige
Me skal få te det umuliga
og me må gjørr det utroliga
Der e nok av de som ikkje forstår
som snakke seg ihel mens tidå går
Der e nok av de som ikkje
tror før de ser
som ikkje reagere før
taget ramle ner
Men her komme me
de umulige
hånd i hånd med
de utrolige
Me skal få te det umuliga
og me må gjørr det utroliga
Der e nok av de som telle
på tal som får sannhed ud
som sum med desimal
Der e nok av de som ikkje
syns det e lett
som bare riste på håve
når de ikkje vett
Men her komme me
de umulige
hånd i hånd med
de utrolige
Me skal få te det umuliga
og me må gjørr det utroliga
Ikkje sei ka me må
ikkje sei ka me ska
For her komme me...
"It's impossible." said pride."It's risky." said experience."It's pointless." said reason."Give it a try." whispered the heart.
Det finnes to typer mennesker; de som engasjerer seg og de som beklager seg.
og til siste, goood old Sigvart Dagsland:)
Der e nok av de som seie om igjen
men alt for få som seie: Kom igjen!
Der e nok av de som veie for og mod
heilt te de drukne i sitt eget rod
Men her komme me
de umulige
hånd i hånd med
de utrolige
Me skal få te det umuliga
og me må gjørr det utroliga
Der e nok av de som ikkje forstår
som snakke seg ihel mens tidå går
Der e nok av de som ikkje
tror før de ser
som ikkje reagere før
taget ramle ner
Men her komme me
de umulige
hånd i hånd med
de utrolige
Me skal få te det umuliga
og me må gjørr det utroliga
Der e nok av de som telle
på tal som får sannhed ud
som sum med desimal
Der e nok av de som ikkje
syns det e lett
som bare riste på håve
når de ikkje vett
Men her komme me
de umulige
hånd i hånd med
de utrolige
Me skal få te det umuliga
og me må gjørr det utroliga
Ikkje sei ka me må
ikkje sei ka me ska
For her komme me...
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