lørdag 28. august 2010

the death of voluntery work?

The Norwegian political party FRP wants to reward those students who finnish their studies in expected or lesser time then expected time. We are all laughing about them, but the scary fact is that 44000 norwegians like Siv Jensen on facebook. And that they had a good votingresult last election. If they get what they wants, you will be punished for doing voluntery work which might effect the progress of your studies. This effects student politics, sports, christian work among students, Amnesty, red cross, Norsk folkehjelp etc. etc. cause they all have studentrun organizations as an important part of their work. We shouldent do folk-high school, we shouldent do EVS or other voluntery programs abroad. We should all just start studying right after high school, finnish after 3, 5 or 6 years, depending on the course, and then go out to work for the society. I will be an expert on religions, but I wont have a clue what to do when start working for an organization, cause I wont have had the chance to try it out. I will have no network, cause nobody bothered to make parties and gatherings for the students at my faculty, and nobody would bother making arrangements for us to meet with people from the Goverment and NGOs, which would be interested to give us a job.

FRP wants us to be egoistic and moneyoriented, and it scares me that they have so many voters and potensial voters in norway.

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